Sunday, May 31, 2009

Not abt the Platter...but abt the Matter !

On my first date with blogs, I wondered how comfortable it would be to have a public online display of what you feel and face and think and do and face and see and say and shout and hear and live and….

Still, I started. I tried masking things and I did. But there were times (which I sadly have to agree that it was mostly so) when I had to sit and think, not how I put it down, but should I or not. A lot many that I had written had to be deleted. They never saw the light of the www. And today, as I face the biggest crisis of my life, I decide to question every aspect of my life. And I feel that I made a mistake. I shouldn’t have shared my blog space with anyone. It’s a burden now. And the result follows….no updates…no new posts….no readers though…LOL.

I decide to move over and have my own anonymous posts, hiding behind, and jotting down every section of my life. My life has quarters which need focus and light and I don’t have the strength to do that with the name at my birth, rather I prefer doing that with the name of my own soul. Ideally I should have deleted this page but still I want it right here as a memoir. I love them. And yes....i will use it to read your's. So all of you, post it and be sure to have my comments. How can i miss being sarcastic and arrogant in what i have to say.

A blog, I believe has more to it. It has the power to let you be the person you are. And today, I need that the most. It isn’t about readers or a page/profile or how you feel about things. It’s about YOU.

Thanks to all the readers. Well there aren’t many so I can surely name them.  Oh shit…..I was joking.